Sunday 23rd June, 2019

Hello Blog.
I pay for you, I might aswell use you 🙂
Another tinder date…. another wtf have I subjected myself to moment…
Went out with a local girl, stayed over at said girls house. I was feeling quite poorly, a cold, hayfever and I’m allergic to cats, unfortunately this girl had a cat. Not ideal, but we all make compromises, right?
After having a really bad night’s sleep and feeling really awful, I announced that I would be departing the following morning to hopefully get better and get me out of the allergic cat situation. Nothing to do with her, I was quite happy. Well… that’s when it went.. wrong.
She started shouting and throwing clothes around. I said I think I better go. She blocked the door, started shouting some more, thank God I’m calm. I asked her to please stop shouting and kindly step aside so I could leave. She complied.
Then I walked home.
Knowing that this probably wouldn’t end there, becuase I’m not that lucky I prepared myself for the backlash…..
and it came….
The text messages. Here. Then two from her son here.
Please tell me not all tinder people are like this.?
Fearing for my car, I have now reported it to the police. :/
I am considering investing in a outside camera.
She has a pair of my jeans which I’d only worn twice! :/ #wtfjeanstealer
Bought the buggati Lego model.
Bought a bag and trainers, stole a pair of socks – teehee